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Monday 27 December 2010

♥ Chains Are Broken

Leaves are falling down, on the beautiful ground,
I heard the story of a simple man.

I said the waves are blowing down, such a beautiful sound,
So you better feel the place.

Season holiday, sighting by the bay,
She helps me find a way.

Thoughts swing like merry-go-round, the mind could randomly sound,
The mystical answer found.

Desirous situation undergoes condensation,
Result of chemical reaction.

Temptation seems delicious, how to be conscious,
Struggle ain't gracious.

Smooth body texture, soft lips moisture,
Contact is wildly tactual.

Also, gorgeous hair, skin that's healthily fair,
Is it love or affair?

Hardly stop the lust feast, conscience is decreased.
Who can save the beast?

Just the mighty Saviour's grace, when it falls upon my face,
I'm so amazed.

Salvation that's free, I no longer have to flee,
Heaven filled with glee.

It's the truth for the city with emotion so wealthy,
To gain back sanity.

0 commented

Tuesday 30 November 2010

♥ Kill Hatred with Love

Her disappointment on you,
Gulps your soul and weaken your will.
Concern failed, it was the carelessness revealed,
Blaming yourself doesn’t help or kill.

At least that’s how guilt work.
You so care how she cares,
So shame on you, the mistake maker.
How much does she mean to you exactly?

You see, you don’t get a clue and that’s ironic.
All I know that you would think of her everyday,
She might have been in your heart.
Please, only Heaven knows.

She hates you, that’s the end of the story,
Perhaps she will love you tomorrow however,
You just have to love her forever.
Hatred won’t stay, maybe love too.

You just need to work it out!
Show more your care, young man,
As people don’t care how much you know or do
Until they know how much you care…

I’m so sorry for you. :(

0 commented

Tuesday 26 October 2010

♥ Making Choices

Life goes on, stars still shine, moon still shy.
We do have right, to choose among choices.
Hate or love, give and forgive or never.

Emotion too, sad or happy, calm or crazy.
We are tiny but we are able to tune the frequency.
Life is tough when it goes pessimistically.

Love yourself without self-pampering,
Love itself shall satisfy.
Life is short, smile as you can,

You can make a difference.

0 commented

Monday 13 September 2010

♥ Clouds Fall From The Sky

My emotion, it was elastic
Shocked my spine with electric
And the stars, they are all aligned
I've got to get the right sign

So when the emotion gets dependent
Then I know I've much to learn
My conscience ain't so serious
Leave that feeling wildly luscious

In the dark, for a while now
I can't stay, much longer
Being struck down by sanity
How do you think that’s unworthy

The mind sees wrong vision
What is your definition
I guess I can no longer move
Not if I’ve found the truth


On the corner of main street
Just trying to keep it in line
You say you wanna move on and
You say I’m falling behind
Can you read my mind

Or should I get along with myself
I never did get along with everybody else
I’ve been trying hard to do what’s right
But you know I can stay here all night
And watch the clouds fall from the sky…

0 commented

Sunday 25 July 2010

♥ When That Day

When that day, the flower waves to me

As the sky smiles with me,
It is a beautiful coincidence.

Sweet arrangement, good Lord!

In fact, I never have known you enough,
Just like the stars above, neither do they.

Yet, it’s unlikely to grant,
One of my most extravagant wishes,
When you say nothing at all.

But I do dare myself to
Cling on to temperate and lovely fantasy,
My sole regret is that I forgot how to make it real.

When the dawn loses its gloom,
It gains light.

For Heaven’s sake, when you lose it, you gain,
If we would believe the same faith,

And if you haven’t found me,
I would have found you…

1 commented

♥ Blissed Lover ;

    Jerry (:
    28 Jan'90

♥ Pretty Moments

♥ Past rawr-ing